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Gathering the Right Documents When Traveling

Gathering the Right Documents When Traveling

In this article, we take the time to list and explain the various documents you need to gather before traveling. You'll even find a link at the end of the article to download our checklist, hoping it will be as useful to you as it was for us!

Boring but essential when traveling, paperwork is a step not to be overlooked. It's important to take your time to prepare everything carefully to avoid finding yourself in complex situations that could have been avoided. Of course, the amount of paperwork needed for a trip varies depending on your destination, the type of trip, and the duration of your stay. However, the basic documents needed for any trip abroad remain fairly consistent.

A Boost for Your Search

To make your trip easier, we are sharing our best tips with you.
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Coup de pousse dans tes recherches

Pour simplifier ton voyage, on te partage nos bons plans
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1. Knowing how to stay organized

To start, even though it might seem trivial, it’s important to mention that to gather the right documents in time, you need to start early. Some documents have processing and mailing times that can vary, so it’s essential to be aware of these and factor them into your planning from the beginning.

2. The documents for traveling

Here is a list of documents not to forget. We’ve categorized them to make it easier, and we’ve even created additional articles for each document if you want to learn more (usefulness, procedures, processing times, etc.).

Passport - ©Agus Dietrich/Unsplash
Also read:

The essentials

  • The identity card, for your travels within the European Union.
  • The passport, for all your travels, whether within the European Union or outside of it.
  • The French driving license for travel within the European Union.
  • The international driving permit, when traveling outside the European Union (valid with the original driving license).
  • A visa: depending on the country. Typically required if you plan to stay longer than 3 weeks or for reasons other than tourism (such as work or studies).
    A very interesting visa for young people who want to travel for up to a year in a country while having the possibility to work and earn money is the Working Holiday Visa (WHV), also known as the Permis Vacances Travail (PVT) or Working Holiday Visa (WHV) in English.

Bank and Insurance

  • The insurance contract and the resulting insurance certificate.
  • The assistance certificate.
  • Your IBAN.
  • Your personal bank account key, in case you need to make large transfers during your trip, such as (for example) purchasing a van.
  • Your tax number, which may be needed to open a bank account abroad.



  • Your health record.
  • Your prescriptions (if applicable).
  • Your European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) if you’re traveling in Europe.

Professional (if you want to work on-site)

  • Your resume/CV.
  • Your diploma(s) or certificate(s) of completion.
  • Your transcripts, if you are still a student.

Advance bookings

  • Your plane tickets.
  • Your train tickets.
  • Your accommodation: hotel, AirBnB, B&B, etc.
  • A car rental, quad, scooter, or any other means of transportation.
  • Tickets for shows, tours, or monuments.
  • Any other activities you might think of, especially if you’re traveling during peak season. Booking in advance, or at least once you’re there, can help avoid major hassles.
Also read:

3. A smooth departure

Map and travel guide to plan your itinerary
Itinerary - ©Foxtrotteurs

Now you have all the keys to travel smoothly, with the right documents according to your needs.

Feel free to download our checklist here and share this article with anyone who might find it useful.

We wish you good luck with gathering your documents and have a great trip! 😉

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Our tips

Remember to scan your documents and upload them to a drive or cloud storage so you always have access to them. This is especially useful if you lose any documents or if you need a paper that you don't have with you, saving you from having to make a trip back to retrieve it.

Crédit photo : Foxtrotteurs et Unsplash

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