About us

But who are the Foxtrotters really? Who is behind it? Why?
We explain everything to you here.

We are Léa and Simon,
travelers and bloggers at heart!

As a couple since 2014, our travel craze emerged following our 7-month road trip to New-Zealand. Because yes, in 2018, we made the crazy decision to take a gap year (between our Bachelor and our Master) and to literally go to the other side of the planet, despite the few reticent opinions on this project.

So, New-Zealand was our first big experience. This trip opened our eyes to the world, its beauty, its wealth, but also to our consumption and our real needs. So yes, I know that we are not here to give you a moral or an essay on the subject, but, as you have probably already heard so well, yes we consume too much! It is a reality but not a fatality. And this road-trip proved it to us: living with the bare necessities is possible and it is even very pleasant.

Beyond that, this trip allowed us to make wonderful encounters, just as well with the inhabitants of the country, as with other backpackers and travelers like us. These encounters and moments of sharing led us to open ourselves to the world and to learn more about ways of living, thinking, acting, sharing, etc. This was enriching encounters in all areas and in all senses of the word.

In 2021, we decided to try again the experience of a long trip. We bought a van, then converted it from scratch, and we left for 10 months on the roads of Europe. We visited 29 countries and covered 46,000 km. It was an intense but incredible journey!

“Only those who don't try have regrets. “

Our networks

At the beginning, we only had our Instagram account (@Fox_Captures, which was later renamed @Foxtrotteurs). Above all, we wanted to share our experience and these incredible moments with our loved ones, while reassuring them. Then, as time went by, the life we led in a van and the stages we went through convinced us that this fabulous experience deserved to be shared on a larger scale! Whether it's for dreamers, travelers, those looking for answers or simply for those who like to learn and have an opinion on everything, we wanted to share these moments with you!

So we decided to take the next step and create a TikTok account in 2021, and then, to start sharing our experiences and advice in writing, we also created this blog the same year. In 2023, we continued to expand it and also opened a YouTube channel to continue sharing more and more content with you!

And tomorrow?

As no one knows what tomorrow will be made of, we tell ourselves that everything is possible and that we must stop putting up barriers for ourselves.
Following our trips, a lot of projects and new desires were shaking up in our heads, which we intend to share with you!

For us, Foxtrotters represents the network and the blog for honest travels and travelers. We try to be as transparent as possible with you and not only let you discover the good sides of travel. Because strangely, there are no trips without difficulties and without disappointments. In fact, it is what shapes us, forms us and also creates the good memories we share when we return home.
And as there is no trip without sharing, we decided to open the doors of our small world to you and of course, all our good advice!

We hope that this blog will be useful to you and that we will be able to transmit our passion for travel.

Have a good trip everyone and good luck in your respective lives and paths!

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Our media kit and the statistics of our blog and our networks are available on request.

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